Saturday, February 25, 2012

Buttermilks Bouldering

I finally got up to the Buttermilks for a bit of bouldering. It works your skin in new ways. We had a good session in the afternoon and were treated to an excellent sliver moon aligned with a few planets. Now I have a few more projects to work on...

Matt on Grandma Peabody
Contemplating (but not sending) the Bachar Boulder
Sliver moon and a few planets over Basin Mountain and Mount Tom

Zoomed in on the sliver moon a little later

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Long weekend of rest

I suppose I only took an ordinary weekend worth of rest, but it did help when I braved the crowds and got out on Monday. One advantage of the crowds was with the pile of pads and spotters I was willing to get on the aptly named "Strength in Numbers". A lot of pads and spotters helps with the rather high crux over a rock. I fell off the crux the first time and got it the second time. I only did the stand up start, so I suppose I'll have to come back for more sports action some day. I also got "Fueled by hate". There is something to be said for a little resting. There was a youth climbing team there too. It is always humbling to see a bunch of kids dancing up and down on your projects and things you can't even get on.

urban camping at its finest

Jase on Strength in Numbers

A lovely sunset marred by wires and poles

Sunday, February 19, 2012

rest day posting pics in Bishop...

I was so useless and my skin was so thin on my last climbing day I am taking 2 days off. Hopefully a hot spring soak, some yoga, and a lot of resting will restore my skin and strength. Well, one can dream anyway.

Meanwhile, here are a few more pics.

Falling off Solarium

firing for the lip on Mr Witty

more scenic scenery

Pow Pow

Rio's Crack

my sore finger tips - time for rest days

Friday, February 10, 2012

... and -you guessed it more Bishop Bouldering

Back to the bouldering and landscape pics... what else is new. I spent a day at the Sads and then one at the Happys. I saw a bunch of people I have met before on my travels and bouldered with some new peeps. The weather has been gorgeous - verging on too warm in the sun (that will change soon I fear). Here are some pics...

Hamming it up for the timer at the Sads

The reflection pool I spotted from above was a good one... Mount Humphreys, Basin Mountain, and Mount Tom

Starting out on "rendezvous with an alien" or something like that

turning the lip
On top

The incomparable "Atari"
It was starting to get dark at this point

I tried Atari, but it was a weak attempt at the end of a long day - I did manage to get off the ground though.

Monday, February 6, 2012

when gulls attack

I took some pictures of ducks and gulls at the city park since I figured it was an easier way to work on it than trying to find a hawk (and ravens are black and shiny and hard to get a proper exposure).  I thought this pic of a gull attacking a defenseless duck for it's lunch was amusing.
When gulls attack

I also processed this panorama from a while ago - I like the way it turned out.

Eastern Sierra sunrise panorama

Saturday, February 4, 2012

more pics in Bishop

I got a few more pics to post today, a hawk, and some climbers. I also did some climbing between picture taking (or the other way around).

This hawk was sitting on a telephone pole but flew away when I approached
More hawk pics for those that like to ID birds.

grabbing for the sun

Nice moonrise (I replaced the moon with one more in focus)

Friday, February 3, 2012

More Bishop Bouldering

As promised, I finally have some pictures of actual bouldering...

I stitched these together (Heavenly Path)

Wills Arete (I think)

Are you noticing a theme? Here I am on the Solarium.

And of course some night pics too - the moon is starting to light things up.

Star trails over the Sierras - the moon is starting to flare in the upper right

Looking the other way - over the White Mountains