Wednesday, July 11, 2012

R.I.P. Inov-8 roclite 390 boots

RIP Inov-8 roclite 390s, thanks for all the miles

I don't usually talk about the death of a pair of boots, but these have been a faithful companion of mine for many many miles, both horizontally and vertically. I first got them for the Montana TMF back in 2008. This sufferfest was lovingly called 4 days - 4 ways to die. Despite not really being appropriate for steep icy snow (with 10 point crampons) or class IV packrafting or biking, they worked quite well. Since then I took them on many many trips. They were my only footwear for a few months on the East Coast. At some point one of the laces frayed something awful. When I got a pair of their lighter cousins the roclite 295s in 2010 these were put on the back burner, but I still used them a bit. Then after the horrendous thrashing the 295s took in the 2011 Sierra Challenge I dusted these off, stuck in a new lace and used them for a few more Sierra trips. I was reminded of how comfy they were and how well they climbed (up to 5.7 on Mt Clarence King). This last 6 day trip up Mt Williamson among others finally did them in. The gore-tex liner wore out under the forefoot (which actually let out a lot of powdery grit that had accumulated there), and the final kicker was the sole actually wore out in the middle of the foot. Before that happened I was still planning on how I was going to seam-grip them again and head back out. Alas the holes in the soles sealed the deal. I will miss them greatly.
a very well worn boot sole


  1. as a cobbler, I can state that there is nothing wrong with those babies! They are just getting good.

  2. While we don't have the Roclite 390 anymore, we do have the Roclite 400 and 286. If you shoot me an email, I would love to chat about you possibly reviewing a pair given your obvious support of the brand and love of the shoes.

    You can contact me here:

