Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Solstice Lunar Eclipse

It started snowing here the 20th, so my expectations were low, but I looked out after midnight and the sky was clear, so I pulled out my camera, tripod, and warm coat and headed out to take some pics. First I had to sweep the steps clear, then I set up. Almost immediately a large cloud bank began sweeping in from the NE and the moon disappeared. I had also just locked myself out. oh well.

I peeked out a little over an hour later and it was somewhat clear, so I put on the telephoto and snapped a few pics of the moon disappearing. Meanwhile the clouds thickened up to the point where the moon completely disappeared. It would have been nice to see the whole spectacle but sleeping was nice too.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet pic of the eclipse! I wish our holidays revolved around this more cosmic event. *)
