After many miles and less sleep than I normally get, I am back in Wyoming. In between I went to Squaw Valley for the Wanderlust Music/Yoga festival. It was an odd but entertaining mix of a yoga festival, a music festival, and a tame burning man, all at a posh ski resort. Among other things I did a lot of slackline, some Yoga, some AcroYoga, sat in a hot tub on the mountain, and saw Moby, Bassnectar, and the Yard Dog Road Show, and Danyavaad and the Shimmy Sisters.
you can see a small report and some pictures on the
Yogaslacker Blog here.
Then after packing up the Prana stuff there, it was off to Salt Lake City to the Outdoor Retailer (OR) show. More Yogaslacking ensued as well as checking out the latest in outdoor gear developments and eating large quantities of various bar samples.
I posted some pictures on the
Yogaslacker blog post
From there I went to Maple Canyon for a few days of climbing overhanging cobbles. I was pretty out of shape for that sort of climbing, so I got completely worked. It was great. I also got to see a number of friends there, which was fun. Now I am back in Wyoming, where soon I will head back into the Wind River Range for some alpine rock climbing. Meanwhile I am trying to catch up with my photos and trip reports. I doubt I'll make it, but hopefully I'll have more to post soon.
Meanwhile, the scruffy beard I grew during the TMF expedition was too much to take off all at once. I have trimmed it down to a molestache by now. It is a little frightening, and probably even more effective than my chick deflector glasses.